Thematic Areas of Focus

Food and Seed Sovereignty

Our Seed Sovereignty Programme is dedicated to cultivating a biodiverse, ecologically sustainable, and resilient seed system in Uganda. We firmly believe that the foundation of a food revolution lies in the seed. Accordingly, we are staunch advocates for organically produced and open-pollinated seeds. Through our Agroecological initiatives, we empower small holder farmers by championing and encouraging the adoption of sustainable farming methods aligned with traditional practices. This not only ensures the sustainability and continuity of community food systems but also serves as a protective barrier against the intrusion of hybrid or synthetic farming methods. Particularly, this initiative is designed to benefit women and youth, fostering sustainable food production and contributing to the overall well-being of communities. The intergenerational exchange of knowledge, with the young people learning from the elders, further enriches our efforts towards a more sustainable and resilient agricultural future.

Sacred Lands and Waters

We stand alongside Indigenous custodians in Uganda to protect sacred natural sites, crucial for climate change resilience and biodiversity. These sites, rich in cultural, ecological, and spiritual significance, play a vital role in environmental health. Our initiatives include policy advocacy, inter-generational knowledge exchange, immersive wilderness experiences, and the performance of rigorous rituals and cultural ceremonies by elders. Additionally, we focus on habitat restoration. Through these efforts, we strive to ensure the protection and vitality of these sacred areas, recognizing their pivotal role in fostering resilience and sustaining biodiversity amidst climate challenges.

Join Us in Transforming

CENC-BIO believes in supporting the transformation from a human-centered to an Earth-centered way of being in the world. Join us in our mission to foster sustainable development, cultural preservation, and biodiversity conservation in Uganda.

Community Ecological Governance Program

In the Albertine Graben, Virunga, and Lake Victoria landscapes, our program engages in collaborative efforts with indigenous communities. Specifically, we work closely with the custodians of sacred natural sites, women seed custodians, and clan elders belonging to the Banyoro, Bagungu, Batooro, Banyabutumbi, Baganda, Bahororo, and Basongora communities. Our primary objective is to restore degraded natural heritage by empowering traditional governance systems.
Through active collaboration and participation, we aim to strengthen the resilience of these ecosystems. Our focus extends beyond mere restoration; we seek to revitalize the interconnected relationships between communities and their environment. This involves empowering key figures within these indigenous communities, such as custodians of sacred natural sites, women seed custodians, and clan elders.
The program recognizes the vital role that traditional governance systems play in sustainable ecological management. By leveraging the knowledge and practices embedded in these communities, we aspire to bring about positive change and contribute to the restoration of our shared natural heritage.

Gender and Extractives

We stand in solidarity with frontline communities, especially women and elders, advocating for a transformation from an extractive mindset to a new ethic of care for the lands and waters that sustain us. Recognizing the detrimental impact of extractive practices on both the environment and local communities, we actively promote alternative initiatives. We believe in fostering a harmonious coexistence through sustainable practices such as agro ecology, eco-tourism, and community-based renewable energy projects. By standing together with these communities, we aim to not only protect the delicate balance of our ecosystems but also empower individuals, particularly women and elders, ensuring a resilient and equitable future for all. We also empower women and youth to disseminate extractives resilient messages through music, drama and artistic